Saturday, January 23, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Ridgeville Park District
908 Seward St. • Evanston
Speakers: Tim Sonder and Amy Dale
Free. Space is limited.
Learn the basics and special techniques for growing your own seedlings. Save money and increase the varieties you can grow and the assurance your seedlings are grown organically (or in accordance with whatever you believe is correct).
Emphasis will be on growing transplants indoors, but topics will also cover direct sowing for success outside.
Topics include
- Equipment,
- savings tips,
- lighting, watering, temperature
- special-needs seeds
- when to start what
- transplantation techniques
Attendees will have access to select seeds from our upcoming seed swaps.
Our speakers:
Tim Sonder has been obsessed with plants since before he could walk. As a home gardener, he grows all his own transplants and has learned many lessons the hard way. Tim enjoys saving seeds and attempting to germinate challenging plants. In his working life, Tim is a graphic and web designer and runs a marketing company.
Amy Dale is the Owner of Green Edens Horticultural Services. Amy is a Master Gardener through the University of Illinois and works on the Evening Island at the Chicago Botanic Gardens. Her focus is on sustainable landscaping and design. She is also a fixture at Ridgeville Park District, where she co-teaches the Garden2Table program.