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Volunteer Waiver (Edible Evanston/Climate Action Evanston)

Each volunteer must execute a waiver annually to work in our projects.

This is to reaffirm that I am a volunteer helping at my own risk. I understand that I assume all responsibility for property damage or bodily injury that I may sustain or cause while volunteering. For myself and my heirs, executors, and assigns, I release, waive and discharge Edible Evanston and Climate Action Evanston (formerly Citizens’ Greener Evanston), its officers, and volunteers of and from any and all claims that I or my heirs, executors, or assigns ever may have against any of them relating to my volunteer efforts, and hereby waive all such claims, demands and causes of action. If I drive relating to my volunteer services, I maintain auto insurance on such terms as I deem sufficient and in compliance with applicable law. I understand this indemnity and release, sign of my own free act and understand that I can decline to volunteer if I have any concern.
People under 18 years old must have a parent or guardian sign. Please indicate your role in signing this form
By typing my name I am signing this form
List all children you are covering under this waiver.
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