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2018 Summary Results of Edible Evanston Food Sharing Program

Gardeners from the Evanston community donated more than 915 pounds of vegetables and herbs to local food pantries in 2018 through Edible Evanston's Produce Sharing program during the 19-week season, mid-June through early October.  About 45 pounds of that total were herbs. Thanks to the many gardeners who donated their excess produce!

We used a different formula for converting the observation of the amount of produce to actual pounds so an accurate comparison to last year is not possible. Observations suggest that this year’s total was equal to or greater than last year. It was a good year for squash, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.

Drop-off locations were throughout Evanston in community gardening plots including McCormick, Twiggs, James Park, Elks Park and Ridgeville.

More than 20 different people signed up to help with the process this year, either by putting out the coolers and signs, or delivering the produce to the food pantries.  We expanded delivery to the Hillside pantry on Saturday, the Harvest on Wednesdays, and Faith Temple on Mondays. Thanks to all for making this a great year for the Edible Evanston Food Program!
