Saturday, July 18, 2015
2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Ridgeville Park District
908 Seward St. • Evanston
Speakers: Maret Thorpe and Lauren Spain-Bondi
Free. Space is limited.
Too many tomatoes and other garden goodies? Learn how to preserve your garden produce and farmer’s market finds so you can enjoy them year round.
We will cover:
- Why preserve foods?
- Water bath canning
- Pressure canning
- Freezing foods at home
- Dehydration
- Food safety and practical considerations
- Recipes and resources to take home
Our speakers:
Maret Thorpe is a third-generation food canner who has a passion for bread and butter pickles. She also loves to grow both flowers and vegetables, and hates to see food go to waste. In her working life, Maret is a graphic designer and editor.
Lauren Spain-Bondi first canned blueberry jam 20 years ago by following a recipe out of an old book, and thus is living proof that anyone can do it. She has since added pressure canning, dehydrating and fermenting to her repertoire of kitchen experiments, most of which turn out pretty well. Lauren is a massage therapist working toward becoming a nurse.