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Permaculture Principle #2: Catch and Store Energy

By Tim Sonder, Education Chair

"Make hay while the sun shines"

This principle deals with the capture and storage of energy, within the environment, buildings and even society.

Energy is fleeting and essential for life systems and society. Capture it now, so you can use it (or have it) later.

This is the true meaning of conservation.

It’s harvest time. When we pick fruit or vegetables we are catching energy. And possibly storing it for later.

Permaculture Primer: An introduction

By Tim Sonder, Education chair

If you have been volunteering with Edible Evanston you have, no doubt, been hearing about “Permaculture.” But what is it?

Most of the techniques applied by those working with permaculture aren’t revolutionary, they are evolutionary. But the way of looking at the world—and I mean that in the broadest sense—often feels revolutionary. Permaculture becomes a way of framing one’s outlook. And that can be applied not just to agriculture, but also to architecture and engineering, to urban planning, and to societal questions.

How long can I keep my seeds?

Proper seed storage conditions are cool and dark. The moisture content within the seed greatly affects germination rates. Seeds should be stored in their original packaging in a cool (below 50 degrees Fahrenheit), dark place where their moisture content will stay relatively stable. Courtesy of High Mowing Seeds

New Gardener Program May 2016 update

Did you apply to participate for our New Gardener program?

Perhaps you recently applied to build a garden and receive a mentor or to be a mentor to others in Edible Evanston’s New Gardener program.

Thank you for your interest in participating! Rest assured, we received your application and you will be hearing from us. After two months of planning and a solid month building gardens for others, our team has not had a chance to review and reply to our new applicants. (We also have been anxious to spend a bit of time in our own gardens!)

Be a Mentor to our New Gardeners!

Experienced vegetable gardeners wanted!

Whether you have been successfully vegetable gardening for just a few seasons, are a Master Gardener, or are someone with tons of experience growing food on a home-gardening scale, we hope you will join our network of mentors. Sign up today!

¡Estamos buscando nuevos jardineros!

¡Únete a nuestro grupo de jardinería y recibe camas elevadas de cultivo para tu propio huerto!

Ayuda para construir tu propio huerto. Te proporcionamos materiales para dos camas elevadas, tierra, semillas y algunas plantas para empezar. Planeamos ayudar a 20 familias y organizaciones a construir huertos nuevos en los próximos 12 meses.

Si eres un residente de Evanston y has pensado en tener tu propio huerto, pero no sabes cómo tomar el primer paso, puedes aplicar para que te ayudemos a desarrollar tu “pulgar verde”. Alentamos a las familias de pocos ingresos a someter su aplicación.
